Uphealth sends short messages with useful health info selected just for you. After signing up, you receive messages with Facts, Lists and Tips inside. Reply to all the messages you receive for a full month to qualify for $20 cash prizes. New contests begin every month.
This guide is for anyone new to Uphealth or who needs to be reminded of how it works. After viewing this guide, you should be able to receive personal health info and qualify to win cash prizes. If you still have questions, tap here for the Uphealth FAQ.
Sign Up - There are two ways to sign up. You can tap on the Facebook, Google or Twitter buttons to sign up with your account from any of those services. Or you can fill out the short form and tap on the Sign Up button at the bottom. Either way is 100% free.
Check Settings - After signing up, you will see your settings. It is important to make sure this information is accurate and complete to get the most out of Uphealth. Be sure to check this information regularly as new things are added there all the time.
Use Uphealth - You are now ready to use Uphealth! Messages will start arriving as shown in your settings. Remember to tap on the buttons in email messages or reply to text/SMS messages for a full month to qualify for cash prizes.
Watch Inbox - Receive messages, tap on buttons in emails and reply to texts - then watch your inbox for winner notices from Uphealth. Your Home calendar is the best place to see all your progress in one place.